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Presenter Perspectives: Social Determinants of Metabolic Health—Evidence from Animal Models


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1 minute

Social Determinants of Metabolic Health—Evidence from Animal Models

Friday, June 25, at 1:05 p.m. ET

Q&A with Carol A. Shively, PhD

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What is your presentation about?
In nonhuman primates, social subordinates have behavioral and physiological characteristics of stress. Western diet consumption exaggerates these physiological stress responses, whereas the Mediterranean diet does not. Western diet consumption by socially stressed subordinates impairs glucose handling and increases type 2 diabetes.

What makes this topic important in 2021?
Social stress is epidemic and causes disease. We have no effective way to intervene on the stress-disease relationship. These data suggest moving the national eating habits to a Mediterranean diet would reduce physiological stress responses, decreasing diabetes and other chronic disease.

Which subset of attendees shouldn’t miss this presentation?
Psychologists, nutritionists, and diabetologists.

What else should Scientific Sessions attendees know about your presentation?
Nonhuman primates bridge the gap between rodent and human studies.


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